Homemade Essential Oil Diffuser With a Candle Warmer
OK, here’s a really quick tip to make your house smell awesome with a homemade essential oil diffuser. If the idea of little wax particles and smoke floating around your house is a turn off, smoky incense bugs you, or if you just want to try something new to make your house smell great this diffuser is for you. You might take one look at the picture above and think to yourself that it doesn’t look like a diffuser. Well, that’s true, it doesn’t look like a “normal” diffuser. It doesn’t have reeds or a candle burning under a little tray of oil. However it is a diffuser because it does disperse small quantities of the essential oil into the air, which after all is all we really want. It is really easy to do at any time, and without having to buy anything new or special, and that’s something I like. So without further ado, here’s how you can make your own homemade diffuser.