Quick DIY Mason Jar Shaker
Here is a great way to make your own diy mason jar shaker, and best of all it costs next to nothing to make. My grandma gave me a bunch of her old mason jars, and I’ve been trying to find some good uses for them, and this fits the bill. These homemade shakers are great because you can make them in any size that you want and can be used for anything from spice shakers to homemade carpet freshener.
Making your own shakers is a great alternative to buying a new shaker, especially as an alternative to plastic. Don’t worry if you don’t have any mason jars laying around you can also use any glass jar with a metal lid.
Time: 5 min.
– What You Need –
Here’s what you need to make your own homemade shaker bottles.
- mason jar
- mason jar lid
- hammer
- nail, screw driver, or other pointy object
- pencil
– Step One –
Pick your punch
Decide what you want your punched holes are going to look like on the lid. Things you want to ask yourself:
How big should the holes be? If you are going to be putting a fine powder in your shaker the holes only need to be small, but if you are going to put something more granular into the shaker like pepper the holes should be larger or you’ll never get it out.
Should there be a lot of holes? The more holes the more comes out.
Do you want a cute pattern? I chose to go for a more traditional circular pattern, but the awesome thing about making your own shaker is that you can make the pattern whatever you want. You can make a star pattern, a heart, or whatever you want, so play around, and make it what you want.
Once you’ve figured out what you want you shaker pattern to be trace it or sketch it onto the to of your mason jar lid with a pencil. For mine I traced my espresso shot glass in the center of my lid.
– Step Two –
Punch Time
Next pick up you hammer, and grab your nail or screw driver. Remember that the larger the nail you pick the larger the wholes you’ll have so chose wisely.
Punch Holes Punch holes in the lid from the top down, punching from the bottom up will create little metal barbs on the top of your shaker which can snag on stuff or cut you.
It works best to punch the wholes with the lid laying flat on a wood surface that you don’t mind getting a little scratched up. If you punch the wholes with the lid on the jar the lid can end up dimpling more which isn’t a big deal, but I like it better with it as flat as possible.
– Step Three –
All Done
That’s it, now you can use your homemade shaker for all your other homemade powdery things.
These shakers are great for more things than I could ever think of, but a few that I will be using them for are for: homemade carpet freshener powder, spices, and homemade deodorant powder.
– My Experience –
I love these diy mason jar shakers, they are so easy to make, super handy, and they let me cut down on my use of plastic which I love. It’s awesome just being able to make a shaker in a matter of minutes for virtually no money.
I love them, give ’em a try!
Let me know if you’ve tried to make these yourself, and how they work out for you in the comments. Also like, share, or pin this post if you liked it.
– Lance
DIY Mason Jar Shaker

How to make your own quick and easy diy mason jar shaker.
- Mason Jar
- Mason Jar Lid
- Hammer
- Nail, Screw Driver, or Other Pointy Object
- Pencil
Decide size, quantity, and pattern of holes for shaker lid.
Trace pattern on lid with pencil.
Grab preferred pointy object and hammer. Place lid flat on wooden surface that can be scratched.
Start punching holes from top of lid through bottom, following traced pattern.
Fill jar with choice of powdery things, screw on lid, and go wild!
Miss Fanny
Sunday 9th of February 2014
cool idea! thanks for sharing :)
Sunday 9th of February 2014
Sure! No problem, glad you liked it!